1. Industry junior high day


1. Industry junior high day

In cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, three junior high schools of the tri-city area of Remscheid, Wuppertal and Solingen and well-known companies of the region organized the first Industry Junior High Day.

More than 100 students of the high schools Theodor-Heuss-Realschule Solingen, Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule Remscheid and Friedrich-Bayer Realschule Wuppertal took advantage of this day to obtain information about the career of their choice.

13 apprentices of the Berger Gruppe welcomed about 40 pupils talking about professions such as electronics engineer, industrial management assistant, industrial mechanic, cutting machine operator or mechatronics engineer.

Dr. Groß, the managing director of the Berger Gruppe, received the students presenting basic information about the Berger Gruppe. In the subsequent guided tour through the production facilities, the students got a first idea of the process chain.

The feedback of this first Industry Junior High Day was entirely positive as the students got a first impression about different - partially unknown - professions and could establish first contacts with their possible future training company.




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